In 2002 the Namibian Brahman Breed Society took the lead to have the International BREEDPLAN recording system implemented. BREEDPLAN has brought many advantages to the Namibian Brahman;
- Brahman in Namibia, through the NSBA, has the capacity to register their own pedigreed animals and to run its own performance test scheme. This has given the Namibian Brahman full autonomy.
- Genetic improvement within the national herd has undoubtedly improved as shown by the genetic and phenotypic trends.
- The BREEDPLAN system has given the Namibian Brahman a fast, world-class breed registry and performance system with low ongoing costs.
- The Namibian BREEDPLAN system is compatible with the installed systems for Brahman breeds in South Africa, Australia, USA, and in time, the Bos Indicus breeds in Brazil. This will in time facilitate a smooth implementation of BREEDPLAN as the genetic evaluation system for Brahman internationally. Namibian Brahman, being early adopters of scientific methods, is taking the lead in these developments.
- Namibian Brahman is in good company in joining Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada, Thailand, the Philippines, Hungary and South Africa, which have all accepted BREEDPLAN.
- The Namibian Brahman has access to world class Internet database enquiry and cataloguing service to promote Namibian Brahman genetics.
- BREEDPLAN is a trademarked worldwide and recognised as the world’s most advanced genetic evaluation system.
- Namibian Brahman has access to the implementation of the latest scientific research as it is developed.
- Field extension is provided by members of the Society whom ensure that they are knowledgeable about BREEDPLAN. This arrangement carries no bureaucratic overheads for our society.
- ABRI, the developers of BREEDPLAN, is financially secure having made a profit in all of the 33 years it has been in business. Namibian BREEPDLAN is thus independent of government.
Download Afrikaans: Breedplan - Vir genetiese vordering
Download English: Breedplan - For genetic improvement